BYI i am a minor, i have really bad anxiety and may get overwhelmed, active very sporadically, i am queer & not cis, i love making new friends so please don't hesitate to reach out and/or interact with me!DNI basic dni criteria (homophobic, transphobic, racist, etc), proshippers, dsmp (mainly dteam) stan, -13 or 25+ (unless i interact first), hate on others interests with no reason, ed/shtwt.

music, art, sleep/naps, analyzing media (film, lyrics, etc), reading, writing, concerts, forensics, collecting vinyls & cds, running.
hot weather, public speaking, school, very explicit gore, being w/o my phone for extended periods of time.
twenty one pilots |-/
fall out boy 🎱
shameless 🚬
dan and phil <3

my airbuds !!

others OLD p!atd, mcr, david bowie, abba, fleetwood mac, ptv, paramore, green day, the cure, ghost, blink-182, waterparks, the wallows, my babysitter's a vampire, manifest, scooby-doo, uncharted, tlou, final destination, scream, marvel, and a lot more!